Womens Equality Day 2023 Quotes and Messages

 Happy Womens Equality Day 2023. It's August 26th, 2023, and we are celebrating women's equality day, this is the day when women were given the equal right with men to vote in the United States. This is the winning day for every woman whose fighting for their rights. Celebrate this day with us and share below women's equality day quotes and messages on your social profiles.

Don't forget to use hashtags #WomensEqualityDay2023 while sharing these national womens equality day 2023 quotes on your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter profiles. While celebrating this day raise your voice against those who oppose women's rights.

Womens Equality Day 2021 Quotes and Messages

    National Womens Equality Day 2023 Quotes

    Start this special Women’s Equality Day with a promise to never undermine a woman and treat everyone alike!

    The important thing to follow is not to compete in a battle of genders but to achieve equilibrium. Happy Women’s Equality Day!

    Happy Women’s Equality Day! Never forget the importance of this day and never let go of your right to vote. Make your voice counts always and every time!

    On this Women’s Equality Day, let us thank the many faceless, loud voices from the past who fought for our rights and gave us the life we have today!

    We should all learn to treat the women around us with dignity, respect, and gratitude. A happy Women’s Equality Day to you all!

    This Women’s Equality day, take a pledge that no matter who you are, or what you do, you will never forget to practice equality in your life. It is only with equality that both men and women can flourish together!

    A woman can be anything she wants as long as she decides to never fear anyone. Cheers to all the strong women out there.

    Women's equality day is a reminder that it is our duty to treat all the women in the world with equality, keeping aside all the biases and stereotypes.

    Let us all learn how to throw like a girl and take pride in it! Happy Women’s Equality Day!

    For the world to progress, we need to move forward together. Always empower and acknowledge the ones around you!

    A beautiful woman draws strength from troubles, smiles during distress, and grows stronger with prayers & hope. You are one of them. Wishing you a very Happy Women’s Equality Day!

    Don't forget to check, 50+ Inspirational Women's Day Quotes, Sayings, Messages, Poems, and Pictures

    Women's Equality Day 2023 Messages

    Celebrate this day by posting these womens equality day 2023 quotes and messages on your social profiles because everyone needs to know the importance of this day. This day reminds us that women belong to a stronger community, a community that raises its voice on each and every forum and let the world know that recognizing the very existence of women and giving them equal rights with men in every matter is the only way to move forward because women are an integral part of each society. Women are more empowered now than before, they are not weak, they will fight for their rights whenever they will be suppressed.

    Let us celebrate the women in our lives who hustle and the men in their lives who support them unabashedly. Happy Women’s Equality Day!

    To all the women who have struggled or are still struggling in their lives, we are all with you! Happy Women’s Equality Day!

    Women are the only exploited group in history to have been idealized into powerlessness.

    A woman can never be weak, she can only be strong, she can only be inspiring, she can only be what no one else can be... Cheers to the spirit of woman... Happy Women’s Equality Day.

    A woman can be anything she wants as long as she decides to never fear anyone. Happy Women’s Equality Day to all the strong women.

    In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.

    There is no limit to what we, as women can accomplish. Happy Women’s Equality Day!

    We need to live in a culture that values and respects and looks up to and idolizes women as much as men. Happy Women’s Equality Day!

    See also, 40+ International Women's Day Funny Memes

    Quotes For Women's Equality Day

    This is not just a day, it is an anniversary of great achievement women had so celebrate this day and remind every man how empowered women are. Here are the quotes for women's equality day 2023 which you can send in messages or post on your social profile to spread awareness and let women know that their struggles will never go in vain, they have achieved in the past and they will achieve more in the future.

    Don’t compromise yourself. You are all you’ve got.

    Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you don’t matter!
    You matter. Your opinion matters!
    Happy Women’s Equality Day to you and every opinionated woman out there!

    Happy Women’s Equality Day! The fight is not over yet. We all have miles to go before we sleep.

    The greatest threat to women is the growth and acceptance of a misogynistic, authoritarian and violent culture of militarism

    Start this special Women's Equality Day with a promise to never undermine a woman and treat every woman with respect! Warm wishes on Women's Equality Day to all!

    Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, She doesn’t have what it takes. They will say, “Women don’t have what it takes.

    The important thing to follow is not to compete in a battle of genders but to achieve equilibrium. - Happy Women's Equality Day!

    Feminism is not about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It is about changing the way the world perceives that strength.

    This Women’s Equality Day, learn to not just focus on your development but to help anyone around you who is fighting for their recognition in the world. Let us empower the people around us!

    See also, 38+ Powerful Women's Day Messages, Quotes, and Sayings

    Women's Equality Day Sayings By Famous People

    Along with celebrating women's equality day, do raise all the issues and problems currently faced by women because everyone needs to be educated on this matter. This day has a very long and painful history, women were not even allowed to cast the vote and select the person who is going to lead the country. Women's rights movement raises their voices and struggled hard to

    Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights. - Hillary Clinton

    When girls are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous. - Michelle Obama

    Men - I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue too. - Emma Watson

    Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others. - Amelia Earhart

    Freedom cannot be achieved unless women have been emancipated from all kinds of oppression. - Nelson Mandela

    A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not to be done. - Marge Piercy

    It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals. – Emma Watson

    In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders. - Sheryl Sandberg

    No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt

    A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men. - Gloria Steinem

    You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. - Margaret Thatcher

    Women will only have true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation. - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    A nation can only progress if it acknowledges and identifies the rights of its women.

    Women's Equality Day 2023 Poems

    Born Equal

    I did the same things other boys did,
    played football, stood first in the race,
    I laughed aloud, I seldom shed tears,
    I ran and jumped across fences,
    and leaped from trees with stolen mangoes,
    just like little naughty boys do;
    I got pleasure out of playing many pranks
    sometimes I would never go to school,
    simply sleep and pretend I was ill;
    I watched the boys getting fed more

    I watched them tutored those extra hours
    as they are less clever than girls
    and as they mature much slower than us;
    how much my heart shouted for equality
    nothing changed, no one heard my echoes,
    at every birthday our dresses were new
    but the boys wore only a new shirt or shoes;
    we for a wonder loved and laughed
    they coyly watched the girls grow up and wed
    and as we left home as per customs and traditions

    the inheritance was theirs, the greatness was theirs,
    as all family treasures into the laps
    of their wives descend like rice pearls and jewels
    so that the future generation gets it
    and divides it among their children
    while the eyes of the old close to snore no more;
    those that get the bounty like kings live
    while daughters as women face inequality
    no matter how much they have studied and achieved
    how much they loved their parents and siblings
    the dividing line never ceases to exist
    though every cell of the body of a woman
    works laboriously to produce, nourish
    and give birth to that child called man.

    Source: poemhunter.com

    See also, 41 Best Women's Day Quotes on Images 

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