21 Funny Programmer Memes for developers

Looking for relatable programmer memes to express how you are feeling. It happens, I, as a programmer can feel it, sometimes you need some memes which fit on your condition so you can share with your friends and have some fun time. And sometimes you need these memes to mock your colleagues or clas fellows.

Below we have collected the funny programmer memes which we have shared on our facebook page as well. Based on the response on this post, we will share more memes and fun jokes related to developers.

Funny Programmer Memes

Programmer Then and Now Memes

I was saying it, nobody believed me. Shirts make people unhappy, just look at their faces. 

By the way, I don't see a coffee mug in anyone's hand. :p

Programmer Then and Now Memes

See Also, Funny cryptocurrency memes

Error in code... no problem

Error in code funny meme

Me debugging while the bug is having a fun time...

Me debugging the bug memes

When your code compiled successfully...

Html is for code what mayonnaise is for instruments. By the way, if she codes javascript be a good man. *wink*
HTML as programming language memes

Debugger... huh? That's how debugging is done.

fully featured debugger memes

What programming language are you learning? 
trying to learn a programming language meme

Coding... when I'm alone vs when friends are around

coding alone vs with friends memes

Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where you are also the murderer. - Filipe Fortes

debugging memes

They are desperately looking for graphic designer... clearly.

looking for graphic designer

A developer and a tester can never be friend.

developer and tester memes

Funny Coding Memes

We had to program a minesweeper in class, so we did a debuging mode called "third eye" the professor gave us a 100% 'cause we had a "great idea".

This is how we should turn problems into opportunity. 

This is not a bug, its a feature.
bug is a feature memes

Don't touch. It works...
don't touch it works programmer memes

Developers at the beginning of a project vs. developers at the end of a project.

developers memes

Shit happens... why not define the APIs first?

front-end and back-end memes

That was easy...
coding and programmers memes

Programming hid and seek chanpionship

programmers semi colon memes

People who name their variables random words with no context, are people from totally different breeds.
random variable name memes

What people think I do and what I really do...
what people think I do what I really do developer memes

How I see my code vs how project manager sees it.

how I see my code memes

When your program is full of bugs but it still works.

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