40+ Hilariously Funny Yoga Memes

Funny Yoga Memes - After writing inspirational and motivational yoga quotes, we thought why not have some fun on this topic with funny yoga memes. No doubt, yoga is one of the best exercises you can do whether you’re aiming to lose weight or get a toned body. It’s also a helpful activity for when you just need to relax after a long and tiring day at work. 

Yoga, however, isn’t the easiest exercise one can learn. With its complex movements and poses, you’ll need to train really hard just to perfect the routines. If you’re having a really difficult time, don’t get stressed out right away. With practice, you’ll be able to master the routines in no time. But while you are at it, don't forget to take the snap and selfies while you are indifferent awkward postures. We have collected these funny yoga memes to bring smiles to your face. And when you share these with your friends on Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp, you are going to bring smiles to their faces as well.

Funny Yoga Memes

Stop looking for lame excuses, and do some yoga!
It literally brings colors to your life...

Cats are always funny with their moves...

When Chuck Norris does yoga, the sun salues him.

When you want to try harder but you can't concentrate what it actually requires.
When you want to celebrate each day as a cheat day.

Do you wanna go to yoga...

The postures are hard and funny... really!

hahaha... This one is the funnies yoga meme so far...

Fix the day and time, make a routine...

LOL... When you plan.. and plan only!

You can either follow the postures or keep you face in place.

These funny yoga postures... 

Ohhh... that feeling can't be expressed in words...

When you just don't really know enough about yoga.

When you want to di it... But just can't do it yoga memes.

See Also

49 Most Encouraging and Motivational Memes to uplift your day

Feeling a little down? We've got the perfect picker-upper right here. Yogis, like most people, love a good meme. And what better way to make a yogi laugh out loud than a meme slathered in delicious yoga humor? Here are a few hilarious and relatable yoga memes to cheer you up and get you giggling.

Keep calm and OMMM...
Running for yoga meme...

Laughter Yoga

Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, healthy laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after. Laughter yoga boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter yoga triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems. So many benefits out of this simple yoga. Laugh out all your stress and dieaseses with these funny laughter yoga memes.

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